St Josemaria Escriva on Purgatory

In the Catholic Church, the month of November is illuminated in a special way by the mystery of the communion of saints, which refers to the union between Christians and the mutual help we can give one another. The communion of saints explicitly links those of us still on earth, those who are already sure of Heaven but are being purified of the remains of sin in Purgatory before they come to God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030), and those who intercede for us before the Blessed Trinity, in whom they rejoice for ever. Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1024).

St Josemaría had a special friendship with the Holy Souls, and used to say, “The Holy Souls in Purgatory are my good friends.”

The Holy Souls in Purgatory. Out of charity, out of justice, and out of excusable selfishness — they have such power with God! — remember them often in your sacrifices and in your prayers. May you be able to say when you speak of them, “My good friends the souls in purgatory.”
The Way, 571

Purgatory shows God’s great mercy and washes away the defects of those who long to become one with Him.
Furrow, 889

If you live the “life of childhood”, you should have the sweet tooth of a child, a “spiritual sweet tooth!” Like those “of your age”, think of the good things your Mother keeps. And do so many times a day. It just takes a moment… Mary… Jesus… the Tabernacle… Communion… Love… suffering… the Holy Souls in Purgatory… those who are fighting: the Pope, the priests… the faithful… your soul… the souls of people in your family… the Guardian Angels… sinners…
The Way, 898

You shouldn’t want to do things to gain merit, nor out of fear of the punishments of purgatory. From now on, and always, you should make the effort to do everything, even the smallest things, to please Jesus.
The Forge, 1041

In the face of suffering and persecution, a certain soul with supernatural sense said, “I prefer to take a beating down here rather than get it in Purgatory.”
The Forge, 1046

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